We recently made a quick trip to see my brother's family in Atlanta. I needed to give Rebekah a bath, and had not brought her baby bath (which she is almost too big for anyway). My brother and sister-in-law are way pass the baby stage, so no more baby paraphernalia to borrow during visits. And because of Rebekah's trach and not being able to sit up, I didn't want to use the regular bathtub. So I borrowed my brother's 'Home Depot Multi-Purpose Paint Bucket' and used it as a bath. After all, isn't there some sort of fancy-schmancy fad-tub out there that resembles an over-priced bucket?
All-in-all, I'd give the Home Depot Multi-Purpose Bucket 4.5 out of 5 stars for multi-purposefulness at a price you can't beat. Could I shave a few inches off the height so Rebekah might see better over the top of the bucket, and choose a different color, I would gladly change my rating to 5. Now, as for the $43 Spa Baby European Style Tub...save your money!
I was browsing for buckets on google images to find buckets to store dirty cloth diapers until we clean them, and found one of these cute images. We're due in a few weeks and haven't purchased a baby bath yet, and I think you sold me. Absolutely Adorable.