
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Keep on MARCHing into Trisomy Awareness...

Lots of awareness brought to you through days 6& 7!


Trisomy Awareness - Day 6 
Trisomy isn't the only condition discriminated against. Today people are united worldwide to help raise awareness about the negative impact of labels. While we may deal "incompatible with life", many people labeled with the "r" word are facing a similar discrimination in their community, in the workplace, at school, etc. So commit today to not only raise awareness about TRISOMY, but commit to SPREAD THE WORD TO END THE WORD.
Language affects attitudes. Attitudes impact actions.Special Olympics and Best Buddies International encourage people all over the world to pledge now to use respectful language at and build communities of respect and inclusion for all people.
Language affects attitudes. Attitudes impact actions. Special Olympics and Best Buddies International encourage people all over the world to pledge now to use respectful language at and build communities of respect and inclusion for all people.

On Wednesday, March 6, people around the world will unite their communities to Spread the Word to End the Word®, as supporters participate in the 5th annual ‘Spread the Word to End the Word’ awareness day, aimed at ending the hurtful use of the R-word (“retard(ed)”) negatively impacting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Trisomy 6: Meet William who has Partial Trisomy 6p. Follow the link for the story!


On our 7th day of MARCHING into TRISOMY AWARENESS MONTH, we are going to share a little more about chromosomes. Our chromosomes carry our genes, the basic units of heredity. Our genes are made up of DNA. There are approximately 30,000 genes that influence our growth and development. Each gene occupies a specific location on a chromosome. With the exception of the X and Y chromosomes, there are two copies of each chromosome and therefore two copies of each gene. When a mistake or an alteration occurs in one or more of our genes our body does not develop properly, and this can lead to a genetic disease. Share because you Care. ♥

Trisomy 7:  Meet Rachel who is 27 years old with Partial Trisomy 7. Follow the link for the story!

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