
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Everyone Poops

When you have four boys, rarely does a day (or a dinner) conversation pass without someone bringing up "poop". It inevitably is a part of our everyday conversation along with the other fun boy words like fart, belch, butt-head, smelly poopy-head, and the list goes on...

If it isn't the boys bringing it up, it's Rebekah's poopy diapers and poop explosions that seem to occupy my time. We just need to face it, POOP is a part of our everyday lives! If you don't believe me, then you obviously haven't read the book Everyone Poops by Taro Gomi.

Well, Tuesday was no different. Somehow, I expected it to be a grand day. Rebekah was getting her spica cast off! So on the way to the orthopedist's office, what happens? One last poop explosion up and out the back of the cast. That made for a lovely mess while they tried to cut the cast off.

To make things even better, I had orders to soak her in the tub until she was a prune to help her leg soreness. She wouldn't stay still in her bath chair and kept sliding down, so that wasn't working. I couldn't put her in a bath seat for babies because she had been casted at a 45 degree angle for 6 weeks and wanted nothing to do with sitting up fully. So I finally relented, put on a bathing suit, and sat in the tub with her. She was getting really irritable and started coughing. Well, with the coughing inevitably came... poop in the tub! I managed to hand her off to the nurse and started to drain/clean the tub so I could take a shower and clean myself off.

But there it was, at the bottom of the tub, as if mocking me... or perhaps just reminding me that I cannot escape my life doomed to poop at every turn. But living a sitcom kind-of-life, I didn't let a little poop bring me down. It can at least be washed off! So I did the only thing that I could do in a situation like this. I laughed and grabbed my phone and took a picture.  As the water continued to drain, another blob of poop formed a sad face, as if saddened, because it did not get the best of me!
"But there it was, at the bottom of the tub, as if mocking me...
or perhaps just reminding me that I cannot escape my life
doomed to poop at every turn."
"As the water continued to drain,
another blob of poop formed a sad face, as if saddened,
because it did not get the best of me!"
I promise that I did not "arrange" the poop in some sort of perverted manner. I just think God sometimes has a sense of humor.

Birdie, birdie in the sky,
Why'd you turdie in my eye?
I don't worry, I don't cry,
I'm just glad that cows don't fly!

And if you want to read more about poop, here is a link to Interesting Facts About Poop. My favorites from the list -
  • The average human poops 1/2 pound per day, while an elephant poops an average of 80 pounds of poop per day!
  • Poop can be classified into SEVEN groups. 
1. Separate hard lumps
2. Sausage-shaped but lumpy
3. Sausage-shaped with cracks
4. Sausage-shaped but smooth
5. Blobs with clear cut edges
6. Fluffy pieces, very mushy
7. Watery
Disclaimer: No poop was harmed in the creation of this blog post.


  1. LOL!!!! And we have that book. We have the Fart one too!

  2. Too funny! I've had the same thing happen minus the funny faces. Ainsley's been in a spica twice. Been pooped on, thrown up on, coughed trach snot on, dealt with blood and pus. You do have to keep a sense of humor or you'd go crazy.

    1. Yes you do! Spica casts are the worst! They need to design a material that does not absorb odors! I think I actually febreezed her cast one day. LOL.

  3. I was Cracking up reading this!! BEST BLOG EVER!!!

  4. This is so funny!!! LOL!!!! For some reason, the "poop" subject comes up in our house, too. When we had Delainey with us, the subject came up more often, because of the importance of pooping for our T18 kids. My husband would often say, "it's all about the poop!" :)

    1. yep, I use that phrase too! Also, "show me the poop!"
