
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Against the Odds - Living with Trisomy 18

Rebekah celebrated her 3rd birthday on April 21, and she celebrated surrounded by her trisomy family! Thanks to Russ Bowen at ABC's WLOS 13 in Asheville, NC, we were able to share the miracle of her life and the blessing that she is to our family.  We are so very grateful to WLOS for running this Special Report on trisomy 18 and sharing our hope and faith with others! Please grab a tissue before watching and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!! We want people to know that this is a journey worth walking.  (The direct link to the youtube video is here:

The video was taken during the weekend of Rebekah's birthday. We celebrated with 6 trisomy 18  and 1 trisomy 9p friends. We also had the family of a chromosome 2p- (microdeletion), and two families who have lost their trisomy 18 children. Our friends came from SC, FL, and GA.  Below are just a few pictures followed by a link to our facebook birthday bash photo album.

Josiah decided he wants to be a camerman when he grows up!

Beautiful trisomy kids and their mommas

Rebekah showing off her pretty dress and newfound standing skills

Lisa, trisomy mom to Joey, receives a kiss from Kaylen, who has full trisomy 18 and is 11 years old!

There are many more photos to be seen! Please check them out on our birthday facebook album.


  1. Truly beautiful piece Susan. You and Michael did a wonderful job sharing your hearts. How could anyone not be touched by your efforts to give Rebekah a wonderful life for as long as God grants her.

  2. Susan,
    What a blessing to see your beautiful daughter and her wonderful brothers. May God use you and Faith mightily to change the perception of this condition so more couples will choose life as they see the blessing God has given you. The video was very touching.I vividly remember our Wednesday Bible study group praying for Faith and God as usual has done far more than we could have imagined!
    Anne Lewis
