
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Birth Healing Blessing

Matthew 5:4   Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

I am on a list serv group for trisomy medical issues. You can find it here and join one of the trisomy list serv communities. I mostly just read the posts and glean as much knowledge as I can from seasoned families. Every now and then something special catches my eye and today was one of those days.

I have been very sad the last few weeks at the loss a good friend's trisomy 18 son ( a dedication blog to be posted very soon!). This event happened as about 10 other trisomy children also passed within a few weeks. There are several children in the hospital now, fighting for their lives.

Although the following poem was written specifically for late-term miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal death, I am dedicating this to all my friends who have lost children. It is beautiful.

I love you, dear friends...

A Birth Healing Blessing*
Blessed sister, beautiful one
with broken wings.
Your journey is a difficult one
that no mother should have to endure.
Your path is steep, rocky and slippery
and your tender heart is in need of gentle healing.
Breathe deeply and know that you are loved.
You are not alone,
though at times, you will feel like a
desolate island of grief
Close your eyes.
Seek the wisdom of women who have walked this well-worn
path before you, before, and before, and before you yourself were born.
These beautiful ones
with eyes like yours
have shared your pain, and
weathered the storms of loss.
You are not alone (breathe in)
You will go on (breathe out)
Your wings will mend (breathe in)
You are loved (breathe out)
~ Mary Burgess

Author, *Mending Invisible Wings*, a healing journal for
mothers following the loss of their baby through late-term miscarriage,
stillbirth, or neonatal death.

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